Sectionals are great pieces of furniture. Great because they are generally large and great because of their versatility. They make some of the best places for conversations. There are a few tips that can be helpful when placing them in a room.

Arranging your living room with sectional sofas in Ottawa

Focal Point

Just as in any decorating, you need to identify the focal point. That could be the television, fireplace, or picture window. It is anything that draws your eye and what you will want to view as you are seated on the sofa. With that in mind, you have an idea of where to place the sofa. It could also be a family portrait hung on a wall or even a mural.


Take measurements of the room. With a piece of that size, it is good to know it will fit. To be sure, layout newspaper or large pieces of construction paper to see how it will fill the room. Look at or measure the balance of the space to be sure you will have at least three feet of clearance for walking and at least two feet for the coffee table.


Neutral colours are probably the best choice, especially if you are working in a smaller space. Light colours will stain easier. There are a number of fabrics that clean easier than others. Leather will offer a sleeker look, dark colours, or bold patterns will make the space seem smaller.

Traffic Pattern

If the sofa faces the room entrance area, it will be an inviting accent. If you put it with the back to the entry, try placing a narrow table. If the sectional has a recliner portion, be sure there is sufficient room to navigate. Also, consider the general flow of people in and out of the area. If you entertain a lot, think of how you want your guests to meander and converse.

Avoid Walls

Generally, it is advisable to avoid putting furniture against the wall. You can still align with the walls of the room, just leave a little space.


Sectionals come in different configurations. A U shape lends itself to a round or oval coffee table. With a chaise element, use a rectangular table with a chair opposite the chaise portion. Most sectionals come with an ottoman, and some offer a storage area in that piece.

Final Items

At the end of all of this, you can concentrate on the finishing touches, like being sure there is a place to set a glass or plate. Using a throw over the end of sofas in Ottawa is welcoming. Finish with a coffee table book or small items.

Find the most gorgeous sectional sofas in Ottawa.

If you are looking for perfect sectional sofas in Ottawa, look no further than our amazing collection. We have a wide range of styles and colours to choose from, so you are sure to find the perfect one for your home. Our sectional sofas are made from high-quality materials and are built to last. They are also very comfortable, so you can relax in style. Check out our online store or pay us a visit!